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Debate Topic-wise Summary Pipeline with Indexify and Mistral

In this cookbook, we'll explore how to create a debate topic-wise summary pipeline using Indexify and Mistral's large language models. By the end of this document, you'll have a pipeline capable of processing video debates, extracting audio, performing speech recognition and diarization, and generating summaries for each topic discussed.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Setup
  4. Install Indexify
  5. Install Required Extractors
  6. Creating the Extraction Graph
  7. Implementing the Debate Summary Pipeline
  8. Running the Summary Pipeline
  9. Customization and Advanced Usage
  10. Conclusion


The debate summary pipeline will consist of four main steps: 1. Video to Audio extraction using tensorlake/audio-extractor 2. Speech recognition and diarization using tensorlake/asrdiarization 3. Topic extraction using tensorlake/mistral 4. Topic-wise summarization using tensorlake/mistral


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Create a virtual env with Python 3.9 or later
    python3.9 -m venv ve
    source ve/bin/activate
  • pip (Python package manager)
  • A Mistral API key
  • Basic familiarity with Python and command-line interfaces


Install Indexify

First, let's install Indexify using the official installation script:

curl | sh

Start the Indexify server:

./indexify server -d

Install Required Extractors

Next, we'll install the necessary extractors in a new terminal:

pip install indexify-extractor-sdk
indexify-extractor download tensorlake/audio-extractor
indexify-extractor download tensorlake/asrdiarization
indexify-extractor download tensorlake/mistral

Once the extractors are downloaded, start them:

indexify-extractor join-server

Creating the Extraction Graph

Create a new Python file called and add the following code:

from indexify import IndexifyClient, ExtractionGraph

client = IndexifyClient()

extraction_graph_spec = """
name: 'debate_summarizer'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/audio-extractor'
    name: 'video_to_audio'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/asrdiarization'
    name: 'speech_recognition'
    content_source: 'video_to_audio'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/mistral'
    name: 'topic_extraction'
      model_name: 'mistral-large-latest'
      system_prompt: 'Extract the main topics discussed in this debate transcript. List each topic as a brief phrase or title.'
    content_source: 'speech_recognition'
  - extractor: 'tensorlake/mistral'
    name: 'topic_summarization'
      model_name: 'mistral-large-latest'
      system_prompt: 'Summarize the discussion on the main topics from the debate transcript. Provide key points and arguments from both sides.'
    content_source: 'speech_recognition'

extraction_graph = ExtractionGraph.from_yaml(extraction_graph_spec)

Replace 'YOUR_MISTRAL_API_KEY' with your actual Mistral API key.

Run this script to set up the pipeline:


Implementing the Debate Summary Pipeline

Now let's create a script to upload the video and retrieve the summaries. Create a file

import os
from indexify import IndexifyClient

def summarize_debate(video_path):
    client = IndexifyClient()

    # Upload the video file
    content_id = client.upload_file("debate_summarizer", video_path)

    # Wait for the extraction to complete

    # Retrieve the extracted topics
    topics = client.get_extracted_content(

    topics = topics[0]['content'].decode('utf-8')

    summaries = client.get_extracted_content(

    summaries = summaries[0]['content'].decode('utf-8')

    return topics, summaries

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    video_path = "biden_trump_debate_2024.mp4"

    topics, summaries = summarize_debate(video_path)

    print("Debate Topics and Summaries:")
    print(topics, summaries)

Running the Summary Pipeline

To run the debate summary pipeline:

  1. Ensure you have the video file of the Biden-Trump 2024 Presidential Debate saved as biden_trump_debate_2024.mp4 in the same directory as your script.

  2. Run the Python script:


This will process the video, extract topics, and generate summaries for each topic discussed in the debate.

Customization and Advanced Usage

You can customize the summarization process by modifying the system_prompt in the extraction graph. For example:

  • To focus on specific aspects of the debate:

    system_prompt: 'Summarize the candidate positions and key policy differences on the following topic from the debate transcript:'

  • To generate more concise summaries:

    system_prompt: 'Provide a brief, bullet-point summary of the main arguments on the following topic from the debate transcript:'

You can also experiment with different Mistral models by changing the model_name parameter to find the best balance between speed and accuracy for your specific use case.


This debate topic-wise summary pipeline demonstrates the power and flexibility of Indexify for complex, multi-step processing tasks. Key advantages include:

  1. Scalability: Indexify can handle large video files and process multiple debates efficiently.
  2. Modularity: Each step in the pipeline (audio extraction, speech recognition, topic extraction, summarization) is separate, allowing for easy customization and improvement.
  3. Error Handling: Indexify automatically retries failed steps, ensuring robustness in processing.

Next Steps